This year’s EMC is very special. Not only is the largest and most important Maya-related conference this side of the Atlantic celebrating its quarter-century anniversary, but also, despite the global health situation, it manages to unite the (not only!) European community of mayanists together in a virtual format.
Organized by the members of the Faculty of Archaeology and the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw, the Polish Society for Latin American Studies, and the European Association of Mayanists WAYEB, the overarching theme of this year’s EMC is boundaries, frontiers and divisions in their broadest sense. Our primary concern is the Maya area and Mesoamerica as a whole, although comparative perspectives are also represented. Please refer to the Program and Book of Abstracts sections for further details.
For those who cannot attend the Symposium in real time, the session recordings will be made available during the next 12 months on this site.
Polish Society for Latin American Studies
Organizing Comittee:
Dr. Jan Szymański, Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Dr. hab. Justyna Olko, Center for Research and Practice in Cultural Continuity, Faculty of "Artes Liberales" University of Warsaw
Dr. hab. Miłosz Giersz, Polish Society for Latin American Studies & Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Monika Ciura MA, Doctoral School of Humanities, University of Warsaw
Przemysław Trześniowski MA, independent